Dog News

The Only Man In The World Who Can Swim With A Polar Bear


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We’re a little off topic here, but our audience consists of animal lovers – not just dog lovers – and this was fascinating enough to merit a mention. Mark Dumas, 60, is the only man in the world who boasts the ability to swim with a Polar Bear. In this amazing clip, the pair take a dip in his back yard swimming pool.

Mark and Dawn have owned Agee since she was just six weeks old. The 800 pound bear has appeared in TV commercials and movies after years of training.

The 16 year old was bottle fed by the couple and was raised with dogs as a cub. Now man and beast share a relationship that defies nature, exchanging bear hugs, kissing, and wrestling in the back yard. In fact, watching this is so interesting that it may make you want a bear of your own, but think again: this is atypical behavior by any standards, and bears belong in the wild. Just don’t tell Agee that.