Dog News

Book Giveaway: Animal Lovers


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Animal Lovers is a look into the world of animal welfare, and those who devote their lives to the cause.

animla loversThis new book explores the hardships they face while trying to make a difference, and how, in the end, the problems are similar no matter where they live. It illustrates the need for us all to work together regardless of our perspectives, and reminds us that there is so much to learn.

Given seven questions to answer, individuals from each of the US states contribute their experiences, wisdom, thoughts, ideas and hearts in the hope that society can understand what this cause (any cause) is about, and perhaps save lives in the process. Personal essays about their lives are also included.

Among the entries is a day in the life of the founder of Dogs Deserve Better, submissions by an Alaskan dogsledder, a veterinarian, a former Catholic nun, a contribution about wolf rescue, and poems and dedications to special animals. There are also many other wonderful individuals who have something interesting and important to say. As well, you will find true stories from the author on breed discrimination through the rescue of Cassie the Pittie, Little May and the battle to save her from the shelter she was taken to; a Hurricane Katrina tale, and even a fun section titled “A Perfect World.”

If you are an animal lover, work in rescue, are thinking of devoting your time to rescue, or know someone who would gain from a greater understanding of animals, this book is for you.
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How to Enter

Today’s three giveaway winners will each receive a free copy of Animal Lovers by mail. As always, only those in our e-mail list are eligible to enter, and if you’re not subscribed, you can fix that in five seconds by clicking here. When your first daily digest e-mail arrives, hit reply, type the words “contest entry” in the subject and send (current subscribers can reply to today’s digest). We’ll use to select winners, who will be notified by e-mail. Entries will be accepted through midnight Wednesday: please note that unlike some of our giveaways, this contest is open to readers worldwide.  🙂