Dog News

Colombian VP Declines Ambassadorship for His Dog’s Sake

by Melanie

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3.21.14 - Colombian VP Declines Position for Dog's Sake1

Colombian Vice President Angelino Garzon is making tongues wag over his decision to not accept the prestigious position he was offered as ambassador to Brazil.  His reason:  his German shepherd Orion would get too hot in the tropical climate.

“I have turned down the ambassador job because the dog you see on that picture is very hairy, and the hot climate of Brasilia could harm his health,” Garzon said.

Though Colombia boasts some pretty hot temperatures of its own in the summer, the move to Brasilia could mean a 30-degree (Fahrenheit) difference, not to mention a spike in humidity.

And there is no question about Garzon leaving Orion behind if he were to move:

“This is not a dog of the vice-presidency of the republic, it’s a family dog,” he said.  “Wherever Angelino Garzon goes, the dog goes.”