Dog News

Hope for Faith: GALT Rescues Mother and Puppies


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faiths puppiesJust one year after we told you about the disturbing seizure of 28 starved, neglected Greyhounds, the abuser responsible has been caught starving another victim – and her puppies.

James Gude faced insignificant misdemeanor charges in last year’s starvation case: perhaps a stronger deterrent will be required to prevent him from repeating the cycle of abuse. Upon recent inspection of Gude’s home, Fort Worth Animal Control found an untattooed white and fawn female with 8 pups – 7 females and 1 male.


A note from their caretakers, the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas:

Faith is a white and fawn female between 4 and 5 years old. She was covered in ticks and fleas. Due to the care provided by Fort Worth Animal Control and Care, almost all the fleas and ticks were dead by the time we received her. She is extremely thin and malnourished and is carrying a huge burden of intestinal parasites as well as being positive to Ehrlichia. Faith’s right ear flap has been surgically removed, and from the scarring it appears to be from some time ago. She is receiving treatment for the parasites and the Ehrlichia in a foster home. She is heartworm negative at this time. Dr. Ellis’ goal is to get her to gain some weight and strengthen her immune system as she weighs only 41.5 pounds right now.


The puppies vary in weight from 3.5 to 4.9 pounds and are between 5 & 6 weeks old. They were covered in fleas and ticks as well, but as with Faith, most were dead by the time GALT received the puppies. The puppies have had an initial treatment for intestinal parasites. The environment Faith and the puppies were living in was horrible and unsanitary. Sevin dust was used for flea and tick control, so Faith and each of the eight puppies are being closely monitored for any and all abnormal behavior and conditions.


How You Can Help

Want to express your outrage about animal cruelty recurring in Fort Worth? GALT continues to encourage letters be written to:

Joe Shannon, Jr.
Fort Worth District Attorney
401 W. Belknap, Fort Worth, TX 76196

Lisa Herrick and Tracey Kapsidelis
401 W. Belknap, Fort Worth, TX 76196

Frank Moss
District 5 Representative
1000 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, TX 76102

Letters to the Ft. Worth Star Telegram editor are also encouraged:

Please be courteous and civil in your writing and ask that all possible legal means be pursued to put a stop to such behaviors.

The Robert Tucker Hayes Foundation (RTHF), a very generous family foundation that has steadily supported GALT since its inception, has established a challenge fund to match every donation – dollar for dollar – up to $10,000.

From now through September 15, 2011, every contribution received specifically for the RTHF 2011 Challenge Fund will be matched. For example, a $25 gift becomes a $50 donation — so your contributions to GALT go twice as far!

With the latest three seizures from FWAC, coupled with the six fractures received since the first of the year, GALT is in dire need of funds to continue to help greyhounds in need. You can make a difference! Accept the challenge TODAY — and help out GALT’s greys with a donation to the RTHF 2011 Challenge Fund.

Please write, donate, or share, and thank you for your continued support of our best friends.