Dog News

I Came Home to This…

by Melanie

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Our pets can get up to the strangest things when we’re not home, and sometimes we have the (mis)fortune of coming home right in the middle of it!

Photos courtesy of Reddit.

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"Rescued this kitten today, went to dinner came home to this."
“Rescued this kitten today, went to dinner came home to this.”



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He knows he’s not allowed on the bed…



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This11 - Came home and saw this scooting across my bedroom floor
“Came home and saw this scooting across my bedroom floor.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This18 - we got a new kitten last week
“We got a new kitten last week.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This19 - I don't own a cat
“I don’t own a cat.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This21 - my dad watched my dog for a week
My dad watched my dog for a week.



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This22 - my roommate got a kitten that my cat didn't like
“My roommate got a kitten that my cat didn’t like.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This23 - catnip everywhere
“Catnip everywhere!”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This24 - My boyfriend is in the navy... I guess the shirt still smells like him
“My boyfriend is in the Navy… I guess the shirt still smells like him.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This25 - guarding my room
“Guarding my room.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This27 - My cat ripped the cat door off the frame due to his obesity.  Zero f---s were given that day
“My cat ripped the cat door off the frame due to his obesity. Zero f—s were given that day.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This28 - my cat is a jerk
“My cat is a jerk.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This30 - Rico can either fly or climb walls - either way I'm gonna train him to fight crime
“Rico can either fly or climb walls – either way I’m gonna train him to fight crime.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This31 - came home to find this in my driveway - don't worry I helped the poor guy out
“Came home to find this in my driveway. Don’t worry, I helped the poor guy out.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This33 - worst watchdog ever
“Worst watchdog ever.”



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“After my big bike ride this morning, I came home and fell asleep on my front path to catch the last bit of sun of the morning. My wife sent me this picture of what I was using as a pillow.”



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5.13.14 - I Came Home to This37 - So I put my cat on a diet... and came home to this
“So I put my cat on a diet… and came home to this.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This38 - I was doing arts and crafts and left out some glitter, and came home to this - she was pooping glitter all the next day
” I was doing arts and crafts and left out some glitter, and came home to this. She was pooping glitter all the next day.”



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“Have you ever done something that was fun at the time, but after was a bad idea? Well, imagine doing it and then not being able to escape from what you did.”



5.13.14 - I Came Home to This40 - my gfs cat went missing for six months and today we came home to this - she broke down in tears
“My girlfriend’s cat went missing for six months and today we came home to this. She broke down in tears.”



What is the craziest thing you’ve come home to catch your critters doing?  Tell us in the comments section!