Dog News

Justice Sought after Neighbor Kills Two Friendly Dogs


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Last month Dawn McClellan’s two dogs got out of their run and went for a swim in the McClellan’s pond. A neighbor of McClellan’s was also at the pond and when the two friendly dogs would make the mistake of following the neighbor home it would end in tragedy.

According to McClellan the dogs, Tucker and Huey, got out of their run on the night of June 26th and headed to the McClellan’s pond for a swim. The McClellan’s neighbor, Kevin Lirot, was also at the pond and when he left to go home the two friendly Alaskan Malamutes followed. Once back at the Lirot’s home the unthinkable happened.

McClellan and her husband were frantically calling and looking for their two dogs. It had been only 15 or 20 minutes since they had gotten out of their run and the McClellan’s knew they had to be nearby.


McClellan’s husband, Jeff, was driving around in his truck searching when he saw Lirot drag the two dogs from his garage. He jumped out of his truck and said, “Oh my god what happened.” Lirot replied that he had shot them because they wouldn’t leave.

While the McClellan’s didn’t see what exactly happened to Tucker and Huey there was blood all over the Lirot’s garage and a trail of blood as the dogs’ lifeless bodies were dragged out onto his driveway. Tucker had a rope tied around his neck. The McClellans suspect that Huey was shot first and Tucker was tied up and then shot. At some point Lirot had called police and claimed the dogs were being aggressive and police informed him he had to right to protect himself.

Despite Lirot telling the police the dogs were aggressive, when the McClellan’s questioned him whether the dogs had been aggressive or caused damage to anything he denied it. Instead Lirot told the McClellans that the two dogs had not shown any aggression or done any damage, they had simply followed him home and wouldn’t leave.

“Tucker and Huey were two of the sweetest boys you could ever meet and they did nothing wrong and he killed them,” said McClellan. “All they wanted was his attention. They loved all people and thought all people loved them. We had no idea that being happy lovable and social dogs would get them killed.”

Lirot has not been charged with anything, though a police report was filed.

A Facebook group called Justice for Tucker and Huey has been set up to get the word out about this tragedy and hopefully bring justice.