Last month, Chapalar Griggs opened her home’s door and heard a dog crying. The cries were coming from inside a garbage can. The woman immediately called a local rescue group to get the dog to safety.
“I heard it out here crying, and I told my husband, ‘Look out the door,’ and he said it was a dog in the garbage,” Chapalar Griggs told WXYZ.
Because the Griggs were afraid the dog could be dangerous and they have small children at home, the family did not bring the dog into their home. Instead, they contacted a rescue group but the shelter was closed at the time and no one came to pull the dog from the garbage.
Twenty-four hours later and afraid the injured dog wouldn’t survive much longer inside the trash bin exposed to the cold elements, Griggs called the shelter again. This time, the facility was open for business. The Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue heard about the dog in need and they set out to rescue the dog.
The trash can pet was a female Pit bull the organization named Precious. She presented multiple bite wounds and required 15 stitches. Rescuers believed the abused dog was about nine-months-old.
An online fundraiser was started to help Precious and within days, the organization raised more than $6,000.
Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue moved Precious into a foster home while she healed from her injuries and evaluated the pet for adoption. Precious showed no signs of aggression and just wanted to be loved, the organization received multiple adoption applications and yesterday Precious’s adoption was made official.
“Precious has hit the doggie lotto!” posted Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue on their Facebook wall. “This girl went from being found in a trash can to a loving home! This is the best part of rescue!”