Dog News

Tire Chewing Dog Disables Two Police Cruisers


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A dog from Australia is in lockdown at an animal control facility after roughing up a couple of police cruisers. While on patrol Saturday in Mangere, a South Auckland police sergeant came upon a large dog running loose in the street. Before the officer could approach the dog it charged his vehicle, biting a tire and chewing it until it popped.

The officer was forced to retreat in order to fix the tire. After doing so, he returned to the area to search for the dog, who promptly charged the cruiser a second time, chomping a tire and flattening it.

Defeated, the officer called for backup. When the responding officer arrived the dog attacked, biting a tire on his police sedan, popping it.

Realizing they were up against something extraordinary, police enlisted the help of professionals and called animal control, who arrived on the scene in a van, hoping to apprehend the canine. It apprehended them first, assaulting a tire on the van until it went flat. And then it got away.

According to a council spokesperson the dog, Bruno (pictured above, left) was located and confiscated at his home Sunday morning and will not be returned to his owners until they build an enclosure that can contain him.


The incident is somewhat reminiscent of 2010’s famous police cruiser assault video.