Rina Cooke was devastated when she received the news that her dog Romeo had untreatable cancer. She didn’t dwell on her grief too long thoug hand instead focused on making sure Romeo spent his remaining time living life to the fullest by creating a bucket list for her beloved dog.
Romeo was diagnosed with cancer in one of his back legs back in November. Unfortunately there is no way to treat the cancer.
“Osteosarcoma is not treatable. The only treatment is amputation and the rest of his body isn’t strong enough,” said Cooke. “He wasn’t a candidate.”
Cooke wanted to make sure she made her remaining days with Romeo counted so she made a bucket list for him.
Some of the items Rome has crossed off his bucket list include a steak dinner, a professional massage, rode along in a fire truck and police car, a visit to the pub with his dad, donating to his local animal shelter and going on a blind date with another boxer that is struggling with cancer.
Romeo just celebrated his ninth birthday and although he is still a happy dog Cooke is noticing him slowing down.
“Right now it’s day by day,” said Cooke. “The cancer is growing and it’s bursting the bone…so I don’t think he has much longer.”
Cooke hopes Romeo’s story will inspire others in her position to make the last days with their dog count.
“I don’t have children and my dog is my kid and hopefully when your dog gets diagnosed with something terminal you can make the last few days count,” said Cooke.
Romeo’s bucket list can be followed on his Facebook page.