Dog News

Abuser Caught on Camera, Dog Fights Back


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In a fortuitous turn of events, a man caught on camera tormenting a dog was subjected to a taste of his own medicine when the abused animal bit him.

abuserSurveillance footage reveals a disturbing scene: George McIlvain, 23, is seen blowing compressed air in the dog’s face, scaring it. When it returns to him, he kicks it. Betrayed by its own sense of loyalty to man, the dog returns again – and is punched in the face.

The last punch was apparently also the last straw – after patiently enduring one assault after another, the battered animal had enough and turned the tables on his abuser. McIlvain can be seen trying to escape the canine just before it bites him. The dog chases him behind a storage trailer and manages to get in a few more blows before McIlvain staggers away injured.

The dog is said to be well, and was not injured in the incident. McIlvain, on the other hand, has pled guilty to animal cruelty charges, faces a fine of $650, and has been banned from owning animals for five years. He has also been fired from his job.