Here at Life With Dogs, we insist on producing only the highest quality content. All our articles are unique, original, accurate, and engaging, with no ethical concerns or conflicts.
If you have any concerns about our articles, please get in touch with us at this link.
Content Integrity
Life With Dogs is committed to the integrity, accuracy, and high quality of our articles and editorial processes. Our team includes professional editors, writers, illustrators, photographers, veterinary professionals, and researchers who check and review all our content to ensure that everything we publish is accurate, current, and valid.
We provide only the best quality content for dog owners. All our articles are written by humans and are backed up by a byline featuring the author’s name, description, and links to more information about them. We never publish AI-generated content produced by writing tools, including ChatGPT.
All articles are dated to show when we updated the piece with new data. Some articles have a tagline that gives additional information about our research sources and the piece’s author.
All video footage and photographic images used on our site are never fake or edited in any way that would mislead our readers. All the imagery we use, including graphics, is internally created to represent diversity and different perspectives.
Our expert editors review all our articles regularly for accuracy and relevance. Any errors or factual inaccuracies are corrected transparently, and we encourage our readers to point out any mistakes we might have made.
Our writers, editors, and contributors are required to declare any possible conflicts of interest.
Our editorial and advertising content is always distinctly separate, and we never allow our content to be influenced by any of our advertisers.
Life With Dogs has a team of professional, experienced researchers to ensure content integrity. We vet and select these experts based on their subject matter and journalistic expertise. Our team checks every article for accuracy and currency before publication and as part of an ongoing review process.
If you spot an issue that you want us to investigate and amend, please let us know by contacting us at this link.
Accuracy and corrections
Life With Dogs is dedicated to giving our audience well-researched, high-quality, accurate, factual content. If we discover any errors in one of our articles, we will make amendments to the article as quickly as possible. If an article is accurate, but the language is confusing or not detailed enough, we will update it.
Many of our articles are relevant to a particular event in time, so we don’t generally update them. However, our service content library is regularly reviewed and updated as a matter of routine, and we fact-check the piece for relevance, currency, accuracy, and completeness.
If you see an error, you can report it through this link.
Our writers and editors have rigorous standards regarding article sourcing. We use only reliable and reputable sources, such as expert interviews and academic and professional institutions. All the facts, data points, and claims we use are backed up by at least one reputable source.
Life With Dogs discourages the use of anonymous or unnamed sourcing since that can damage reader trust and transparency. However, if we do use an unnamed source, we will explain why and provide our readers with the relevant context.
Life With Dogs strives to provide our readers with unbiased, original, and useful content. All the information we use is correctly verified and attributed so as not to infringe on anyone’s copyright or intellectual property rights.
We do not tolerate plagiarism. All our writers and contributors are expected to adhere to and abide by all relevant laws, standards, and journalistic practices, including: