Dog News

Dog Lost During Transport at International Airport Is Found

by Katherine

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Doko, a small dog originally from Chile, has quite a tale to tell after he was lost during transport in a Spanish airport.

For Remberto Latorre, Doko’s owner, the five days his dog was lost in Madrid, were the longest days of his life.

Latorre and Doko temporarily lived in Hungary while the dog owner finished his Masters degree. Latorre’s parents traveled from Chile to Hungary to pick up the pet and bring him back home, but when they arrived in Madrid on October 19, 2014, Doko somehow escaped his travel crate and got lost in Spain’s capital.

Doko. Photo Credit: Remberto Latorre
Doko. Photo Credit: Remberto Latorre


The pet owner was devastated with this news, more so because he was unable to travel to Spain and look for the pet himself. Latorre relied on local animal lovers to help him locate and reunite with his dog.

Doko’s disappearance seemed a bit strange. The dog was used to traveling in his crate, he had already done the original trip from Chile to Hungary, had traveled all across Europe. Prior to going missing, Doko had flown from Vienna to Madrid without any problems. Yet, airport employees said the dog bit through his plastic carrier and escaped.

It was unknown exactly when the dog escaped but various employees said they had seen the dog running around the airport’s ground on October 19th. After that, the dog had not been seen.

Doko and Latorre. Photo Credit: Remberto Latorre
Doko and Latorre. Photo Credit: Remberto Latorre


Thanks to local animal lovers who took it upon themselves to find Doko, the dog was found safe and sound on October 24th. Arrangements were made to reunite Doko with Latorre.

The grateful pet owner promised his dog he wouldn’t leave Europe without him and he kept his promise. Doko will be going home to Chile with his owner.