Dog News

Lost Dog from Houston, TX found 900 Miles Away

by Fred

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8.10.15 - Belle

Eleven-month-old miniature Australian shepherd, Bell can usually be found at her family’s home in Houston, Texas.  However, one day Bell went missing from her home, and he family couldn’t find her, a thought that’s scary to any animal lover.

Bell’s human, Matt Turner, frantically searched for her high and low.  He put her picture up all over popular social media websites, put flyers all over town, and wandered the streets for hours looking for Bell.

Matt was about to give up hope in finding Bell, when he got a phonecall a few days ago that he wasn’t expecting.  It was a call from the vet that he takes Bell to.  Someone from animal control in Florida took the dog in as a stray.  After checking the information on Bell’s chip, it was discovered that she was very far from home.  They also figured out who Bell’s vet is, and called them with the good news.  Then, the vet called Matt to tell him the great news.  Bell was alive and well!

Matt was beside himself to find out Bell was still alive.  He also was totally astonished to find out she had traveled across three states, and over 900 miles away from home.  She was in good health and spirits despite the 900 mile jaunt, but seems much happier to be back with her humans again.