Dog News

Rescued Pit Bull Becomes the Rescuer

by Melanie

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8.13.15 - Rescued Dog Becomes the Rescuer1

This comes from the spectacular crew at Guardians of Rescue:

Update!!  Athena was rescued in December of last year. We received this amazing message from the wonderful people who adopted her!

Hi – I just wanted to give you an update. We adopted Athena from you guys in January. She is doing AMAZING! So in love with her, such a loving sweet girl, and her big brother Charlie loves her too! They’re connected at the hip! Such a beautiful bond they share.

We adopted her for Charlie (our 9-year-old Lab) and us as a companion for him and to help give him comfort when he has a seizure (he sadly suffers from epilepsy) and to also give a forever place to a dog in need of a loving home.

She is such a sweet loving girl and so wonderful to everyone, especially children!  She not only has given us so much joy and pit bully silliness and love, but most of all the life she has brought back to our 9-year-old Lab is undoubtedly amazing since she’s been with us.

Charlie has only suffered one seizure in the last seven months. She never left his side and mothered him for 24 hours til he was back to himself.  Prior to her arrival he was sadly suffering with seizures at least once every two weeks.

WE CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR YOUR EFFORTS TO HAVE RESCUED HER AND ALLOW US TO GIVE HER A LIFETIME OF LOVE AND HER FOREVER HOME…. you truly saved more than just a sweet loving dog. You saved more lives than you could have imagined.  Thank you so much for all you do!

God Bless xoxo