Dog News

Stray Dog Adopts Orphan Monkey

by Katherine

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A stray dog from Malaysia is making rounds on the web with a viral video that shows the adoptive mother carrying a baby monkey on her back. Talk about true love! This forgotten and unwanted dog recognized that an animal of another species was in greater need and she stepped up to help the orphan monkey.

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Zainal Azman recorded a short clip of the momma dog and her baby monkey while he was riding a car on Paya Rekoh street in Pahan, Malaysia. (Watch the video here.)

Azman asked the driver to stop the vehicle so that he can capture the rare moment and true act of kindness between different species.

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It is believed the monkey lost his mother at the hands of poachers or hunters, but thankfully the stray hero dog welcomed the monkey as her own.

Lets hope local rescue organizations step up to find the dog and the monkey and help them get to a safe home.