Dog News

Being Bridget: The Blond Bomber

by Leslie Fisher

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Being Bridget. The Blond Bomber disaster-on-four-legs, accident-waiting-to happen has done it again.

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Creative Ice Wrap for Injured Shoulder

What has she done? Given her Mom yet another heart attack, in a recent event we could have lived without. The picture above kinda sums it all up, woeful looking labbie with ice wrapped onto her shoulder. I have always jokingly declared that Bridgey is a danger to herself and others. Indeed, on this particular day, I thought she was a goner. A routine hike to the nearby pond on a gorgeous fall day quickly went wrong.

5 year old American Lab Bridget, my right hand dog.
The Usual Happy Face Bridgey

A hundred times, if not more, had Bridgey bounded around, past and beyond the metal fishing skiff pulled up on ponds edge. On this day however, there was no safe passage, with corresponding splash down, into the pond. Instead of splash down we had a sickening thud as Bridgey smacked full tilt  into the skiff. Instead of splashdown and joyous swim: collapsed non-moving Bridgey. I stood up on the bank, looking down, thinking, ” I just killed my dog.”

It seemed an eternity: I`m sure it was more like brief minutes, before Bridget stirred. I was already on the phone with my husband, bidding him  make haste to us, uncertain if my girl would even be able to walk. I ask you, is there any worse feeling than seeing your dog down injured and out? Well, we dodged another bullet and Bridgey has lived to fight another day. She stirred, moved and began to bear weight. Ice, pain meds and rest are doing the trick for a badly bruised shoulder, after a trip to the Vet to get checked out.

Bridgey lives life to its` fullest: no in between for this labbie. Her zest for living is huge, as is her tendency to find trouble. Or, perhaps trouble finds her. There are many stories and adventures in the saga of being Bridget. Tales could be told of:

  • Surviving anti-freeze ingestion as a two year old dog.
  • Bailing out of the car after the next door cat pool liner episode. (We have much better impulse control these days.)
  • The spilled coffee and food diving at sparrows in the hedges story. (Again, as a youngster, prior to mastering impulse control.)
  • Bailing out of the car into the raging winter current of the Susquehanna River story. (Had been shortly prior introduced to water.)
  • Showing up at the back yard deck with a gaping flesh wound. (Who knows?)
  • Tearing stitches out of said wound twice.
  • Suffering a torn calcaneal tendon this past year. (Dock diving?)

So, do you get the picture just a little bit?

The goofy gal Bridgey, 5 yo American Lab
Goofy? Playful? Always. Except While Injured.

To know Bridgey is to love her; I would not have her any other way! Oh, wait. Perhaps we could do without the excess of Vet bills that have been accumulated along the way! Our next (planned) adventure is to be a positive one. Bridgey will soon be sharing her labbie sized zest for life with Paws For People as a Certified Therapy Dog. Training begins October 25th; I hope we are soon bringing smiles to the faces of recuperating hospital patients with the antics of goofy Being Bridget. Be sure to attend the October 22nd Wag N Walk if you are local!

Meanwhile stay tuned for new adventures of The Blonde Bomber. Until next Friday, Leslie Fisher PMCT CPDT-KA

and the Look What Labbies: Bridget Talley and Doobie

“your pet positively trained” Rainwood Kennels, Elkton MD