Dog News

Clancy Is the Scruffy Little Snaggle-Tooth Of Your Dreams …!

by Amy Drew

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Marvelously mellow and squeeze-the-stuffing-out-of-him cute, this adoptable senior is a Lhasa Apso mix that vets estimate is about 10 years old.

Available through Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center in Huntington, NY, Clancy would love nothing more than to spend his days taking leisurely walks with his favorite people. Being with people makes him so happy! Those who know him say he’s a genuine cuddle bug in every sense of the word, with a sweet, funny face that keeps everyone smiling.



“He’s better than your morning coffee,” they say. “You’ll never have a bad day with Clancy around!”

What’s more, Clancy is receiving all the medical care he needs thanks to a grant from the Grey Muzzle Organization, so if you’re looking for a mellow, older boy who still loves to play, please pop in and meet Clancy! Between his amazing personality and that adorable little snaggle-tooth, we bet you’ll fall in love straightaway….

Visit the Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center website or call (631) 368-8770, ext 21 for more information about Clancy.