Dog News

Cleft Palate Puppy on Craigslist Is Saved!

by Melanie

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Putting dogs up for sale, or even worse, listing them as “free to a good home,” on Craigslist is a terrible idea.  Dog fighters and other sickos rely on these ads to get free and cheap dogs to torture.  So when a deformed six-week-old puppy was listed, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped in and saved him from what could have been a dreadful fate.


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This sweet little baby only weighs three pounds, and upon rescue appeared to be sick with a runny nose.  A vet visit revealed he had pneumonia.


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“We know these puppies often don’t make it due to complications with eating and breathing, but we hope Casper will!” said Stacey Silverstein, RDR co-founder. “Right now he’s on antibiotics and we know if he does make it, multiple surgeries will likely be in his future. There is no other option.”


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Casper will have to wait until he is at least several months old before an operation can be performed to correct his cleft palate, but first he must overcome pneumonia.  Fortunately, he is getting the best care possible.  To help ensure his best chance of survival, please consider making a donation to Rescue Dogs Rock by clicking here.  You can also donate through PayPal by sending money to [email protected].


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