A street dog in India was discovered with an enormous cancerous tumor, a transmissible venereal one, growing out of her private parts. The tumor had erupted making her bleed and be in constant pain, and even though animal rescuers thought it was too late to save her from cancer, they refused to let her die. They had to try and help. Thanks to them and the dog’s strong will to survive, the sick homeless pet kicked cancer’s butt.
Animal Aid Unlimited was contacted about a sick dog on the streets. When they arrived, they met a weary dog in pain who couldn’t stop licking her open wound.
They gave her treats but the sick stray was not interested in food. Afraid she might be captured, she started to run away but rescue volunteers went after her.
It took some time to capture they elusive dog but once she was safe, the dog was transferred to Animal Aid Unlimited’s center where she was treated for four months. The former stray received various chemotherapy treatments and they helped eradicate the cancer from her body.
Here is her amazing video transformation.