Dog News

Family That Returned Husky Given New Dog

by Amy Drew

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The Evans family was delighted when the adopted a beautiful husky from the Pasadena Animal Shelter in Texas, but their new-dog joy was short-lived.

Not long after bringing their new fur baby home, they discovered the dog already had one. Scout was a beloved service dog who’d gone missing, and of course — his owner very much wanted him back.

The Evans family's new dog, Shelby, will be theirs forever. Both parties seem thrilled with the arrangement.
The Evans family’s new dog, Shelby, will be theirs forever. Both parties seem thrilled with the arrangement.


Heartbroken, but determined to do the right thing, the family sent Scout home — and then karma came a’knockin’.

After the story aired on the news, a viewer in San Antonio found a family who could no longer care for their own husky, and then decided to bring two families with complementary needs together.

The Evans family’s new dog, Shelby, is five months old. They look forward to many, many happy years with her.