Dog News

PAW-ternity Leave?! Scotland Brewery Offers Seriously Dog-Friendly Benefits

by Amy Drew

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An increasing number of companies are engaging their dog-loving employees with “take your dog to work” days or even allowing such things all the time, but BrewDog, a Scotland-based beer company, is one-upping that idea with it’s new “puppy parental leave” program! This perk gives employees who adopt a new dog a week of PAID LEAVE to get to know their new family member and help him/her acclimate.

BrewDog has been dog-friendly since the get go. It was founded by two men and one dog and grown into a 1,000+ employee operation. Dogs remain an important part of its culture.

“Yes, having dogs in our offices makes everyone else more chilled and relaxed — but we know only too well that having a new arrival — whether a mewling pup or unsettled rescue dog – can be stressful for human and hound both,” the company announced in a statement. “So we are becoming the first in our industry to give our staff a working week’s leave on us to help settle a new furry family member into their home.”


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Dog lovers in Ohio might be able to get in on this. BrewDog is opening a new office in Columbus! Photo: BrewDog



BrewDog’s main Aberdeenshire office has about 50 “office dogs” that regularly go to work with their owners. The benefit applies to staffers company-wide — and for those reading this in the States: BrewDog is about to open a new brewery in Columbus, OH. These new members of the BrewDog family will enjoy all the same benefits.

“We’re not aware of any other American company giving a week’s leave to their staff to help build the bond between them and their dog, but then few other companies have four-legged friends at their center as we do,” the company says.

When company founders James Watt and Martin Dickie started brewing craft beer together, it was alongside the original brew dog: Bracken. The partners always understood the importance of not leaving their best friends to languish at home.

“Here at BrewDog, we care about many things, but have two main focuses above all others — our beer and our people. And over the years we have noticed that our people also care about many things but have two main focuses above all others – our beer and their dogs. We totally get that.”