Dog News

Recently Adopted Dog Takes Best “Adoption Photo” Ever

by Katherine

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When Cosco, an Australian Kelpie and Stafforshire Bull Terrier from Melbourne, Australia, was told she was adopted she couldn’t believe it. The shelter dog was so excited to have a forever family that she didn’t know what to do with herself.

The seven year old dog had been waiting for a home for quite some time, and at her age chances of getting adopted were few. Potential adopters usually want a puppy or young dog to bond with and take home, and even though adopting older dogs does happen, the process is always longer.

Well, Cosco is no longer waiting. A family came in, fell in love with her and decided to take her home. For her adoption picture it seems as if someone asked her “who got adopted today?” and the dog raised her paws saying “me!”

Congratulations Cosco.

Cosco with her new family. Photo credit: Lort Smith Hospital.
Cosco with her new family. Photo credit: Lort Smith Hospital.