Petey Reunited with Owner!#home #rescued
— Fort Worth Police (@fortworthpd) June 27, 2016
Pete is a much happier dog today than he most certainly might have been not that while ago. Thanks to some top-notch detective work by the Fort Worth, Texas Police Department, he has been reunited with his rightful family, after having been stolen during a break in at his family’s home.
The detectives that were working the break in case did so well, that they’ve even been officially honored by the city for their amazing effort. There was an official ceremony with the mayor and they are recognized as local heroes.
“The suspects went into their house and stole a bunch of stuff; electronics, jewelry and the dog,” said Officer Daniel Segura. Officer Segura is the department’s public information officer. “The detectives and officers were looking out for the stolen property for anything to have a lead to catch the suspects. The officers went to a pawn shop and they found a few items that belonged to the family that had been pawned. So they followed up on their leads to see who pawned it and got a search warrant and went to the house, and when they went to the house, as soon as the occupants opened up the door, they saw the rest of the stolen items inside the house, and the dog was inside the house, too. That’s how they were able to catch the suspects.”
The officers then called the Templeton family, but only told them that they needed to ask a few follow up question. They wanted to surprise the family with the reunion, so they all agreed to keep things quiet until the Templeton family to arrive.
“They surprised us at my daughter’s 10th birthday party. We had no idea,” said Julia Templeton. “They called and asked where we were and they showed up. I couldn’t believe it. I really thought they were just coming to show me some pictures of some of the material things that were taken. I walked out and saw his head poke out from the bar on the police car.”
“We just thought it was incredible police and detective work for something that could have been a pretty minor incident, but was important to us of course,” said Templeton “They really didn’t give up and tracked down the people who did this to return our dog.”