Dog News

Help Stop Gas Chamber Euthanasia in the US

by Melanie

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This is an incredibly unpleasant topic, one that no one wants to read or thinks about.  But we must set aside our own discomfort for the sake of voiceless animals.  Every day in shelters in 31 states, dogs and cats, seniors and puppies and kittens, are painfully, frighteningly, and slowly gassed to death.  Please sign these petitions to help put an end to this inhumane practice.

The following is the letter from Larissa Tuttle on a petition:

Many people think that animals quietly go to sleep and die in shelter gas chambers. But the reality is it’s a horrific and cruel method of “euthanasia.” The animals are placed in a warm or hot box without sedation. They have no idea what is happening to them and are terrified. The hiss of gas starts and they get dizzy and panic. Screams are heard and fights break out. In some pounds, cats are mixed in with dogs, small dogs are mixed in with large dogs, and they all fight each other for the last breath of air. The 25 or more minutes it takes to end their lives can be complete torture.

Historically, this inhumane method of killing was used by the Nazis, and to this day is not allowed even for the punishment of our most severe serial killers. Yet they can still be legally used to kill innocent homeless pets, including cats and dogs, in 31 states. And if you live in one of the gassing states, your tax dollars might be paying for this atrocity. Here is a map from Animal Aid showing which states need an official gas chamber ban:

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What Animal Organizations Say About Gassing

American Humane Association has stated, “…euthanizing shelter animals by carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide is inhumane to the animal and harmful to humans. American Humane Association considers euthanasia by injection (EBI) to be the only acceptable and humane means of euthanasia for all shelter animals.” Source:

The Humane Society of the United States stated, “Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is, without question, an unacceptable method of euthanasia in states where shelters can legally obtain and administer sodium pentobarbital.” Source:

The Association of Shelter Veterinarians has stated, “…the use of carbon monoxide for individual or mass companion animal euthanasia in shelters is unacceptable due to significant humane, operational and safety concerns.” Please read their document available online at:

This outdated and cruel practice demands public outcry. Please be the voice for the voiceless and innocent shelter animals. They did nothing wrong and have already had the misfortune of losing their homes, getting lost, or suffering living as a stray. It could be your lost pet next…

Please sign this petition and contact your senators to request a gas chamber ban in your state today!

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To sign, click any or all of these petitions:

We Petition the Obama Administration to:  Federally Ban the Use of the Gas Chamber in Animal Shelters

US Government:  Ban Gas Chamber Killings of Shelter Animals Nationwide

End Gas Chamber Euthanasia for Homeless Pets

Petition to the American Veterinary Medical Association to Classify Gas Chamber Euthanasia as “Unacceptable”

There are many other individual state petitions that can be found on and at


When pleading your case to local lawmakers, if compassion won’t work, appeal to their financial sensibilities:  euthanasia by injection (EBI) costs on average HALF as much as death by gas chamber.  (We wish there was no (need for) euthanasia at all, but EBI is the most humane.)