Dog News

Silly Dachshund gets stuck in Shirt Sleeve

by Fred

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8.28.14 - bogey2

Bogey is six-months-old and man can he do an impression of a snake!

As you can see, as part of playtime, he likes to wriggle his little sausage like body into a shirt sleeve.  We’re not quite sure if you’d call it dog doing snake or doggie sausage.  We do know one thing for sure, he is adorable.

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As he just starts to get himself going, you can barely make out a little snout coming from the end of the sleeve.  Little by little, he works his way up the sleeve until his head pops out.

That’s usually the end of the line in that direction, and he ends up having part of playtime while snuggled up in a shirt sleeve.  How adorable is that?

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