Dog News

Annie the Mathematician Dog

by Katherine

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If you need some help with basic math maybe you want to call Annie the mathematician dog for some help. The ten-year-old mixed breed pet from Spain knows her multiplication tables, and whenever her owner tests the dog’s math knowledge, Annie gives the right answer.

Annie showing off her math knowledge.
Annie showing off her math knowledge.

This smart pooch recently visited Portonovo school children to thank them for organizing a lemonade sale and raising $242 to donate to their local shelter. During the visit, Annie showed off her math skills.

Olga Costa, the dog’s owner would ask Annie, “what’s two times three?” and the dog would bark six times giving the correct answer. “What’s two times two?” And Annie would bark back four times, but what was more impressive was when Costa would say a child’s name and Annie would bark as many times as the number of letters in each name.

“Annie, this is Clara,” said Costa in Spanish and the dog barked 5 times. (You can watch the video here.)

If this is just a good dog trick we are impressed, but if Annie can really understand and answer math questions correctly, we are left speechless.