Dog News

Flutter’s Rescue and Adoption


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flutterA sweet puppy who fractured both front legs when she fell from a second floor porch in Detroit was rescued and given medical, rehabilitative and foster care by the Michigan Humane Society.

Now healed, she has recently been adopted into a responsible and loving home.


The MHS Rescue Department received a call on Thursday, October 24 from the puppy’s owner, who surrendered her to MHS when the rescue team arrived, after explaining that the young dog had fallen and injured herself the night before.

It was clear that the 4-month-old German shepherd mix, now named Flutter, was having difficulties walking and putting weight on her front two legs.

She was brought to the MHS Detroit center for Animal Care to be examined and x-rayed by the veterinary staff who determined that her fall had fractured both of her front legs.

Flutter was fitted with casts on both legs and recovered from her injuries in a foster home.  Her new petmom talks about the adoption in the second video found below.

Flutter’s Rescue:


Flutter’s Adoption:

