Dog News

Canada Welcomes Nicaraguan Dog with Damaged Snout

by Katherine

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Remember Tyson? Last month we told his story and the unfortunate accident where a machete slashed his snout. Canadian vet Graham Thatcher stepped up to help the dog at no cost, but his good will came to a halt when the airline he booked to transport the dog no longer welcomed the four-legged injured passenger. Finally, after months of discussions and setting different plans, Tyson arrived to Ottawa, Canada, on Nov. 4th to receive his life-altering surgery.

Read our original story “Injured Dog to Fly to Canada for Reconstructive Surgery” to learn more.

Photo credit: CBC
Photo credit: CBC

Thatcher’s own partner, Andrea White traveled to Nicaragua to pick up the dog.

“It’s pretty exciting to finally pick him up at the airport” Thatcher told CBC News. “The wound has definitely progressed. It’s worse than I had anticipated but it was still quite great to see how resilient and strong this little dog is.”

Thatcher is running different tests before performing surgery on Tyson. He needs to make sure the dog is healthy enough to withstand a surgery and the results of the test will determine the kind of surgery that will be done on the pet.

“If he doesn’t have a heart full of worms and the risk for anesthesia isn’t too high, we’ll plan to go ahead [with surgery] next week,” said Thatcher. “I’m absolutely confident I can improve his quality of life. How we’re going to do that, I’m not sure yet but I know we’re going to make him feel better.”

We hope to learn what the plan for surgery is and when this will take place. We’ll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as these are available.