Dog News

Begging for change for all animals

by Katherine

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130611 BegRory Freedman, co-author of the #1 “New York Times” mega-seller “Skinny B-i-t-c-h”, released her new book “Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals.”

In this book, Freedman asks fellow animal lovers to commit to taking better care of their own pets and also treat all animals more humanly.

“Does it need to be a dog or a cat for us to feel compassion?” asks Freedman.

In “Beg” Freedman invites her readers to think about how all animals are treated, not just our pets. Many believe that animals that are in show business or in zoos are treated better, but that might not be the case. Many times, the quality of life provided for these animals simply spells out abuse.

Freedman also talks about the disconnect many people have when it comes to animal products such as fur, leather and wool. Somehow, people no longer think about the pain and suffering living creatures endure before they are transformed into purchasable items.

With this book, Freedman wants her readership to realize that all animals, including those involved in bull fights, circuses, races, sport fishing, rodeos, lab experiments, horse-ride carriages and much more, are all abused animals.

The book is written in first person, and it describes the author’s personal experiences and feelings towards helping animals. It also delves into how Freedman became an animal activist and published author.

In “Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals” Freedman proudly admits to being vegan and to not participating in the confinement, torture, and slaughter of animals. Her overall message is that there is a lot we can do to protect animals from abuse. We need to be informed and learn how to be more compassionate towards all animals, not just our pet cats and dogs.

This book is an excellent read. It is eye-opening and inspirational. It is packed with essential information that can serve as a guide for anyone interested in learning how to live and lead an animal cruelty-free life. If animals have figured out how to live in harmony with each other and the planet, we should learn to respect them and live in harmony with them as well.