Dog News

Crucial Advice to Protect From the Season’s Biggest Pest: Ticks


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Crucial Advice to Protect From the Season’s Biggest Pest: Ticks

The following article was written by a University of Rhode Island student, Cara Sullivan, who is currently interning at the University’s Tickencounter Resource Center, a center for knowledge based prevention of tickborne disease. They aim for prevention by engaging, educating and empowering people to take action.Tick2

“‘Tis the season for taking your furry friends for park playdates and long days throwing the frisbee for Fido. As much fun as you’d be having, you must keep in mind that the health and well being of your dog is at stake. Below, I have provided just one of many ways to protect your dog from coming in contact with a tick, or worse, becoming infected. With just a few simple actions you can increase your pet’s health prospects this tick season.

Vaccinations are a necessary part of maintaining your pet’s health. A vaccine is available that provides an additional layer of protection for your dog, and significantly reduces the chance of contracting Lyme disease even if bitten by an infected tick*. No vaccine or repellent is 100% guaranteed, but combining immunization with once-a-month tick preventive treatments provides your dog with the maximum protection against ticks Lyme disease.

Once-a-month tick preventative treatments come in all shapes, sizes and strengths, just like your dogs. A few options to consider discussing with your veterinarian would be:


Once you find the right treatment for your dog, keep up with the monthly applications, and he or she will be a happy, healthy pooch! Protecting man’s best friend should be as important as keeping yourself healthy.


Be TickSmart. Be TickSafe.


*For most tick-borne diseases, you have at least 24 hours to remove a feeding tick before it transmits an infection.”