If you’re looking for some light-hearted fun to brighten up your day, look no further than these hilarious husky memes with bad puns! Whether you’ve got a real-life canine companion or are just obsessed with one of the internet’s favorite dog breeds, these funny memes featuring huskies with silly one-liners will have you howling with laughter.
So, take a break from your stressful day, grab those pup treats off the counter, and enjoy some moments of happiness as we explore the world of punny husky memes!
Silence is golden
If you own one of these talky doggos, then you know they have an opinion on everything. Hearing silence with a husky isn’t always sus but scary, too. You never know what they’re getting themselves into.
Travel much?
As we know, huskies are funny dogs, and this one is no less funny than others. Though it’s far-fetched to see one willingly go that far for a stick.
Running is no joke!
Running marathons is no joke! Sledding… while not a joke, isn’t a sport to be taken lightly. These dogs are born sledders and love doing it.
Anything you can do, I can do better
Everyone who owns a husky, lives next door to a husky, or has met a husky knows winter is their season. From laying in the snow, eating it, digging in it, or doing anything else—these dogs love being outside in the cold.
So tired…
When sledding, it’s essential to take care of your dogs. Else the drama is real.
Second breakfast, please?
Food is central to any dog’s life. Huskies will just let you know it’s time for a second breakfast.
NASA’s new directive
The internet likes to use this picture in a meme for several jokes—this one being no less punny than others.
Cake vs. pie?
There’s a debate on whether cake<pie or the other way around. Either way, it’s hard to resist when you’re on a diet.
It’s mine, all mine!
Huskies will let you know what’s theirs and yours. Mostly… it’s all theirs.
Perfectly punny
Nobody knows. A perfect pun.
I smert!
While huskies are pretty smart, there are those out there we wonder and worry about.
Morning mood
The face on this guy! It says everything it needs to and more.
Weirdo in action
I always dreamed of having a husky until I met a friend’s husky. While they’re magnificent dogs, they’re not for everyone.
Attention hog
We all know that one dog who wants all the attention.
Another weirdo in action
I think we can all say that it’s okay to call huskies weird.
Talk about shedding!
I have a dog that sheds, but not nearly as much as huskies do. All I can say is good luck, and use an undercoat brush!
Mom, I swear I needed to pee
Ah, the ever-persistent pup who insists on being with you and yet being outside at the same time.
Food is life
Huskies, as I’ve said before, are certainly weirdos—but they’ll do anything for a treat.
Construction project
Digging is an instinct for huskies and a lot of other dogs. They don’t tell you they want to dig to China, though, until you’ve had to fill it back up.
Chaos incarnate
Need I say more?
Multiple identities
All of our dogs have various names—stopthat, comehere, heyyou, whatsyourname, mine— are so used to them that they’ve gotten used to it and stopped listening.
If laughter is the best medicine, then funny husky memes and jokes can work wonders for lifting your spirits. They not only bring joy but also leave you wanting more. I hope this post made you smile—even if just for a few minutes! Huskies may be mischievous, but their loyal and playful spirit makes them a beloved breed for many.
They’re undeniably majestic creatures, and it’s no wonder why so many people love them. So, now that we’ve seen some punny memes, let us know about your husky! Do you love them as much as we do? Let us know in the comments below!