A Cleveland man is looking for answers after his beloved dog was shot on Christmas.
Devon Young says that his 2-year-old pit bull, Ellie, was shot in his backyard sometime during the day while he was sharing the holiday with friends. He came home to find her bloodied in the garage suffering from two bullet wounds and a possible stab wound, as well.
The dog has had surgery to remove one bullet, but the other remains inside, perilously close to an artery. Doctors told Young that Ellie was probably lying down at the time she was attacked.
In the meantime, Young is looking for the person who did this to his dog.
A YouCaring account, set up to help pay for Ellie’s large medical bills, had collected $1,336 — well over its goal — at press time.
Police said they received a call around 12:41 a.m. on Dec. 26 from someone who had heard shots fired and then a dog crying. Officers responded, but were unable to locate the dog.
Young, who has lived in the neighborhood for years, was baffled as to why anyone would shoot Ellie. He told reporters for FOX 8 that she has always been a very friendly dog.