Dog News

Woman Apparently Captures Video of Her Dog’s Ghost

by Melanie

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Two weeks ago, Kimberley Pearce of North Carolina had to have her 12-year-old cocker spaniel, Sadie, put to sleep.  While getting some video of her new dog, a strange figure appears to walk across the screen.  Is it a camera glitch, a hoax, or do you think it’s really Sadie’s spirit?

This is Pearce’s account of the scenario:

It was only a few days after when I was showing the video to a friend that I saw her appear. I just knew it was her. That was my dog.

I was in shock – I went outside and started to cry. But then I started to smile. I had been begging for her to give me a sign.

You can see it’s a white and caramel color, and so was my little girl.

The video had been taken around lunchtime and no cars go past my house to make a reflection, and no birds for a shadow or anything. We live quite far out in the country.

There was nothing else it could have been. Before I kind of did and didn’t believe in ghosts. Now I really do believe.

It might sound strange, but a couple of days after Sadie died I finally went and sat out on the porch and had a half hour conversation with her.

I felt so guilty because I was the one who made that decision to have her put down. I signed the papers. I was shaking even just writing my name on them. And I just wanted to tell her, ‘Sadie, I’m so, so sorry and please forgive me for what I’ve done.’

In that conversation I just begged and begged for her or God to send me a sign so that I knew she was okay.




My husband got me Bella the morkie puppy because I hadn’t stopped crying since Sadie died and it was to try and help.

I already suffer from severe depression and anxiety attacks, and through the months of Sadie’s illness I was getting worse and worse.

Sadie was sweet as she could be. She was a mama’s girl.

I think her appearing was her telling me, ‘It’s okay, mama, I’m here. I’m not mad at you. I will be here waiting for you. Now go play with that little ‘un.’

It warmed my heart. A psychic has also told me that she walks around with me. Nobody knew how badly I’d felt. I don’t feel bad anymore and I can play with Bella.

It’s just like her. She was such a loving dog. She used to sleep with me, she’d be curled up around my head and my husband said it looked like she was a hat.

When we were home she used to follow me around. She was always at my feet. Whoever walked through the door, whether she knew you or not, she was your best friend. She never snapped or bit or growled

I’m not holding out for Sadie to appear again, I think she was just answering me after our conversation out on the porch.

I would like for people to know that lost ones are here with you. They can come back to let you know they are okay and that they love you. I want people to see Sadie and smile.